
Showing posts from May 26, 2009

Sharing Some Thoughts

'Whenever I'm unsure what I'm called to do, I simply get started with what I think it is and expect God to guide me as I go....' ‘Sometimes I get the feeling that I take myself "way too serious"... but then I remember,  it's just a feeling ...' ‘In the spirit of those (before my time) who truly write, I too understand why I write... It's because (for me) there is  no other choice... ‘For some time, we spend parts of our lives being afraid... of success, love, being right and even wrong... and this is where it gets us... He re ... But what if we decided to spend the rest of it NOT afraid... to see what that gets us?  I bet it will be something different...’ 'I spend quite the time writing about love because I’ve found the place where it lives... What a treasure...’ ‘In listening and learning in silence, I can see how we are forever teaching and learning from each other - whether we mean to or not.... And no matter what subjects we