
Showing posts from December 30, 2009

End of the Year Transitions

Below is a collection of my self-reflections, collected over the year.  Enjoy. 'There are times in my life when things go so well that I know (without a doubt) that I was born to do this... But then there are times when things turn out so bad that I begin to question if I ever knew anything to begin with...' 'It's really easy for me to stand behind my gifts and be received in people's hearts... but it is a challenge sometimes to stand in front of them and hope to reach their hearts still...' 'It amazes me how much we can sit and talk about much of what's really  nothing  and very little of what's really  everything  and you barely know the difference... but I wish you did...' 'Sometimes focusing too much on myself can cause me to miss out on people... But focusing too much on people can cause me to miss out on myself ... So I've learned how to just be alone “together"...' 'I believe all of us come into this