Food for Thought

I like how I can find "you" in "me" and "me" in "you" and still call it "myself"...It's kind of cool...'

'Whenever there's a hole in my sidewalk, the romance of my own self-discovery usually helps me to get out of it... and I love it...'

'I always tell people that you have to "love yourself" before someone else can... but I never imagined having to find out if it was true...'

'I never understood why whenever we feel safe and comfortable to be our true selves - which is really just the child inside - people call this "immature" as opposed to "courageous"...'

'I don’t always know what I want sometimes... But I (at least) know that I want to know what I want... sometimes...'

'Since love exists with or without us, I wonder why people put ownership on it and say “I” love you...?' 

'My reality of loving someone else is usually as personal as my reality of loving cheese…And since I don't look for the cheese to love me back for loving it so much, I also don't look for anything in return from people... For I know that true love is a gift...  and gifts are meant to be given, received and shared.'

'Whenever I get lost and need to find myself again, I know to check behind my likes and dislikes as I like to hide there sometimes...'

'I used to feel special knowing that I was an "individual"...but then I opened the door to myself and discovered an entire world of people just like me... "individuals"... It’s really funny (now) knowing how being an individual can make you quite the ordinary person...'
Food for thought.



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