Something I Hate..

Sometimes whenever I have a great sentence or two, I like to show it off a bit.. And I sometimes feel like I can spit nails whenever someone cuts in and tries to finish the sentence for me...

Besides stopping to look at this person as if they have two heads, I manage to tell them... please don't do that...

But I'm learning... some people actually think they are being really sweet and cute, and are letting people know how sensitive and smart they are when they do this...

But I figure...
If they really want people to think they are smart... they would let other people think that they are smarter than them by not impressing them with how smart "they" are in the middle of their damn sentences...

But then again...
Maybe that's just me...


Julia said…
I think when people finish my sentences they AREN'T really listening, they are just trying to get to the end of MY SENTENCE so they can start theirs.

But honestly, some people in my life who do that actually ARE listening, they're listening so closely they think they know what is coming next and THAT is what offends me. Being predictable. I HATE being predictable.

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