Sharing Some Thoughts

'Whenever I'm unsure what I'm called to do, I simply get started with what I think it is and expect God to guide me as I go....'

‘Sometimes I get the feeling that I take myself "way too serious"... but then I remember, it's just a feeling...'

‘In the spirit of those (before my time) who truly write, I too understand why I write... It's because (for me) there is no other choice...

‘For some time, we spend parts of our lives being afraid... of success, love, being right and even wrong... and this is where it gets us... Here... But what if we decided to spend the rest of it NOT afraid... to see what that gets us?  I bet it will be something different...’

'I spend quite the time writing about love because I’ve found the place where it lives... What a treasure...’

‘In listening and learning in silence, I can see how we are forever teaching and learning from each other - whether we mean to or not.... And no matter what subjects we teach, we always teach to others what we value... Some people will teach you the value of money, achievement or just the self-centered self…And some will come along to teach you a great deal about love, support, wisdom, trust, commitment, peace, truth, happiness and even God's Spirit.’

‘I find the knowledge we pass along to others isn't always something we’ve learned or studied - as much as it is often just who we are that they see and learn from...’

'Some of my greatest lessons in life came from people that I’ve hurt and those who’ve hurt me... But  some of my greater lessons come from the people who show me what “not” to do as well...’’

‘They say one of the hardest things to do sometimes is to listen to our hearts… But I say, one of the harder things to do is to realize we have one to begin with... A heart... I hope you are listening...’

‘At the age of 29, I learned if people in my life could not adapt and adjust for me the way that I did for them, then they were not the people that I needed to make room for.  This was a lesson in learning when and who to let go.’

'It came to me one day while riding the train, that the bridge between my own contentment and happiness rested in my own acceptance of who I am, where I am and how I am... For only then do I get to experience the gladness of my soul which leads to feelings of satisfaction...’

‘I used to jokingly say that I was an undiscovered writer, until I discovered the person I’ve been waiting most to appear and discover me was myself...  Thank God I finally showed up...’

‘I never have a problem with wanting what other people have in life... because wanting what only I am supposed to have is "enough" for me to try to get to..’

‘I really think that it's okay for people to make plans with their lives... But I've always found more  success and peace along the path of discovering what my life actually plans to do with me… As I am a witness that it’s usually not what we originally planned anyway... because I (for surely) did not plan for "this"...’

‘I've never understood why people chose to follow other men when Jesus clearly said to follow Him… It often makes me wonder if the book's been lost…’

‘Since the soul is the essence of who we really are, I know that I have to wait to see who "others"  are... as catching glimpses of my own self was like witnessing a wild animal out in nature... I really had to just sit there... and be quiet and observe... versus crashing through the woods and demanding this person to come out… NOW!...’

‘It's really painful sometimes whenever I notice how some people try hard not to be noticed…
so I usually help them out and ignore them... just to make it a little easy for the both of us...’

‘Although letting go sounds like a passive thing to do, I've learned that it's actually one of the "hardest" things that I will ever have to do... But at least I know how now...’

‘I'm learning that the things we put off and avoid most are actually the things that add to our happiness… And considering the reason being because of fear... I wonder if we are really just afraid of being happy...'

‘I find that living the truth that is in my soul is the only way that feels right to me because playing some role that contradicts who I really am "inside" (although promising safety) really doesn’t feel that safe at all… So why pretend to begin with...?’

‘Embracing the truths that I constantly receive feels "way better" than the stories I can create... so I practice just sticking to the truth, because (to me) it's just easier...’

‘The love and power of God is indeed a wonderful thing... but getting to know this God... and loving the person that He truly is has been a more fulfilling experience for me.’

Take care.


breathandrock said…
chance upon your blog and got myself some good read. cool!
Chana said…
Oh, I am excited DatS.
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